레이블이 powerpoint 2007인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시
레이블이 powerpoint 2007인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

How to set the preview icon in Powerpoint for Windows

To create a PowerPoint document in practice, you may want to refer to another PowerPoint document. In most cases, the file explorer provides an icon that allows you to preview the contents of the PowerPoint document, but in some cases it is difficult to preview the contents of the document because some previews are not available.
In this case, set the icon to preview.

1. The icon in the file explorer is not previewed. Figure1

Figure 1. Not Previewed icon

2. Select [File] - [Information] and click [Properties] - [Advanced Properties]. Figure2.

Figure 2. [File]-[Information]

3. Select the [Summary] tab in the [Properties] dialog box, check [Save preview picture] and click the 'OK' button. Figure3.

Figure 3. [Properties] dialog box

4. Save the PowerPoint and check it in the file explorer. Figure4

Figure 4. Check it in the File explorer

Search high-quality images on Google

Search high-quality images on Google

Powerpoint 문서를 만들 때 이미지를 많이 사용하게 됩니다.

저화질의 이미지를 Powerpoint에 삽입 할 경우 이미지가 깨지는 현상이 생길 수 있어 가급적이면 저화질_Low-quality의 이미지보다 고화질_High-quality의 이미지를 사용하는 편이 좋습니다.

보통 고화질_High-quality의 이미지는 유료로 구매를 해야 하는 경우가 있습니다만 구글_google에서 쉽게 검색이 가능합니다.

Step1. Search image

찾고자 하는 검색어를 입력한 후 [도구_tools] 버튼을 클릭합니다. Figure1
Figure 1 : Search image

Step2. Size select

[Size] 메뉴를 선택한 후 이미지의 사이즈를 선택합니다.
[Size]메뉴에서 선택이 가능한 사이즈는

[모든크기_All size]
[큰 사이즈_Large size]
[중간 사이즈_Middle size]
[크키선택_Size Select] > [400*300], [640*480], [800*600], [1024*768], [1600*1200], [2272*1704]
[크기 지정_Set size]


여기에서 [Large size]를 선택하면 1,000pixel 이상의 이미지가 검색됩니다. Figure2
Figure 2 : [Tools] > [Size] > [Large Size]

Step3. Color select

[색상_color]에서 원하는 색상의 이미지 또는 배경이 투명_Transparency한 이미지가 검색이 가능합니다.

Powerpoint에서는 배경이 투명한 이미지가 더 활용도가 높습니다. Figure3.
Figure 3 : Transparency Select
원하는 이미지가 검색되었다면 저장_Save을 하신 다음 Powepoint에서 [삽입_Insert] > [그림_Picture]을 통해 이미지를 삽입해서 사용하시면 됩니다.

Insert SVG File : Two way in Powerpoint for Windows

Insert SVG File : Two way in Powerpoint for Windows

When creating a document with Powerpoint, it is much more effective to transfer the contents by using image or icon instead of letter.

Therefore, there are many cases where the icon is downloaded from the site that provides it. When you download it from a site that provides icon, it is often provided as a PNG or SVG file.

Especially icon files are often vector files, and they work well with CSS3 and XML, so you can easily obtain Scalable Vector Graphic (SVG) files, which are good image formats for web use.

However, in order to use SVG files directly from Powerpoint, we had to convert them into PNG files or EMF files. However, with the recent update to Powerpoint 2016, this problem is gone.

1. Insert Picture :  Powerpoint 2016

With the recent update of Powerpoint 2016, you can now insert SVG files directly from Powerpoint.

Step1. Insert > Picture을 클릭
Figure1 : Insert > Picture
Step2. Insert Picture Dialog box에서 SVG파일 선택

If you select All file in the Insert Picture dialog box, you can see that the .svg file has been added. Figure2.

Figure2: Insert Picture type

2. Use Inkscape program : Powerpoint 2007, 2010, 2013

Step1. Install Inksacpe program

Go to the Inkscape site and download the program. Figure3
Figure3: Inkscape web site
going Inkscape website

Step2. Open SVG file in Inkscape

Open the SVG file downloaded from Inkscape. [File] > [Open]. Figure4
Figure4 : Open SVG file in Inkscape

Step3. Save as EMF file

Step4. Insert EMF file in Powerpoint

Figure5 : Insert EMF file
Figure6 : Design slide using SVG File

Enable Developer Tab in the Ribbon - for Windows

Enable Developer Tab in the Ribbon

Powerpoint includes many features that you can use to create efficient, eye-catching presentations, and most of the features are easily found in the user interface.

However, there are times when you need a way to more easily perform tasks that can not be handled through repetitive routine tasks or UI. Office applications such as PowerPoint provide a programming language called Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) that allows you to extend your application.

To use these VBA, [Developer Tab] menu should be added to the ribbon menu. In this post, let's see how to add the [Developer Tab] menu.

Step1. Select [File]> [Option] to open the [Powerpoint option] dialog box

Figure1 : File Menu

Figure2 : Option within File menu

Step2. Click [Customize Ribbon] on the left side of the dialog box

Figure3 : Powerpoint option dialog box

Step3. On the right side of the dialog box, under Customize Ribbon, select the Main tab and check the [Developer Tab] check box.

Step4. Enter Click

Figure4 :  Developer tab made visible on the Ribbon
Now the Developer tab is visible on the Ribbon, as shown in Figure 4

How to use the Quick Access Toolbar in Powerpoint for Windows

The Quick Access toolbar reduces unnecessary mouse activity by placing frequently used menus directly above the slide window, and allows you to set up commonly used menus to shorten PowerPoint document creation time.

A. Original setting method

1. [File] > [option] > [Quic Access Toolbar] 에서 사용하고자 하는 메뉴 선택

일일이 메뉴를 선택해서 배치해야 하기 때문에 번거로울 수 있습니다

B. Quick setting method

Just copy the files I provide.

1. Displayed under [Ribbon] under [Customize Quick Access Toolbar]

2. Powerpoint.OfficeUI File Copy
File download

Copy Folder

3. Powerpoint Redo

The Quick Access toolbar shows the menus I have set up in advance. I mainly use menus related to alignment / layout.